Social media, online friends and staying in touch

I remember the very first years of social media, older people went crazy about them. I was constantly listening to things like ā€œthis isnā€™t socializingā€, ā€œyou are missing the point of human interactionā€ and most commonly ā€œgo out and meet your friends instead of talking to them through a computerā€. That last one is the one that was the biggest fail. What if you canā€™t go out and meet your friends?...

Moving on, with Jekyll

The new year was full of surprises for me. The loss of a loved person can be the instigator for changes in your life. The first change came with moving on to a different house, and that is a glorious moment. Finding a house in London is a riddle these days, especially if you put in perspective the prices, location (London is huge) and friends. But finally i made it, found a place that i liked and start packing my stuff....

Developing front end apps. The tools i use

Front End developing has changed massively the last couple of years. The introduction of amazing JavaScript frameworks, starting from jQuery to Angularjs and Emberjs, gave the developers the ability to create cool apps and rich interfaces very easily and fast. Along with the frameworks came so many tools. I wonā€™t speak for the available tools out there, iā€™ll just talk about the tools I use. So here they are. Yeoman - http://yeoman....

Migrating from Gmail to FastMail

Lately Iā€™ve been having thoughts of leaving Gmail, mostly due to the fact that I didnā€™t like ads in my email and because the interface was a bit sluggish from time to time. The latest events with NSA spying had an impact too (not that I have anything spectacular in my email, but still). Another important fact is that I already own a domain name (this site) and Iā€™d love to use that email as my personal mail....

Creating a responsive website

Some weeks ago i wrote in twitter that there are no excuses, in this day and age, to have a non responsive website. The web is changing, people are browsing more and more from mobile devices and screen sizes have extreme differences. Me for example, iā€™m sporting a 23 inch monitor at home, two 20 inch monitors at work and a 4.3ā€™ā€™ mobile phone. With all that diversity, a non responsive site makes no sense....

A curious geek: Whatā€™s deflation?

Recently I was reading the news and I realized that Greece now has Deflation, aka negative inflation. I was wondering what that means and as it happens, most of my friends work in the finance industry, so I asked them. Two of them just gave me a link from Wikipedia but Iā€™m just too lazy to try and read those technical, complex terms. So my last remaining friend gave an answer that Iā€™d like to share with the rest of the world....

The best quote about success: Donā€™t try!

A few minutes ago a friend of mine posted something that Charles Bukowski wrote, so I decided to go to Wikipedia (bless thy Wikipedia) and read about his life. Oh by miracle Iā€™ve read one of the most inspiring quotes of my life, so here I share it with you. Donā€™t try. ā€œSomebody at one of these places [ā€¦] asked me: ā€˜What do you do? How do you write, create?ā€™ You donā€™t, I told them....

Life without a tablet

If you are following me on twitter, and you should, youā€™ll know that I was thinking of selling my iPad 2 to buy the iPad mini. That crazy idea came to me after playing around with the mini on an Apple store, and realized that the form factor of the mini is simply amazing. So, I did sell my iPad 2 and went running to the closest Apple store, only to find out the there is no stock for iPad minis (16gb wi-fi that is)....

Horizontal Scrolling, Coda Slider 3 and image maps

Lately Iā€™ve been designing a web site, for a client, that needs to be horizontal scrolling. For those of you who are not familiar, a horizontal web site is one that has all the pages embedded in one, huge, HTML file, separated by DIVs. The scrolling is occurring either by using some JQuery functions of using some library already doing that. We used Coda Slider 3. That site was a bit demanding regarding the design....

Portfolio for a Developer. Why not?

Not too much time ago, i was reading an article from Jeff Atwood that was talking about Software Developers and their portfolios (the article can be found here). The bottom line of his article was that portfolios is not something that only designers should have, itā€™s something that we, developers, can have. So i decided to create my own portfolio. I pretty sure itā€™s not as exciting, or mind blowing as the portfolio of a graphic designer, or a photographer but heck, itā€™s my work and i like it being there....